Are you stressing out and overthinking?

Do you find relaxing challenging?

Do you have high blood pressure?

Are you distressed by the signs of ageing you are seeing in the mirror?

Are you having trouble sleeping?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions you can clearly benefit from learning meditation! 

We have taught our meditation courses in Australia, the United States and Indonesia.

Meditation is one of the single most effective tools I have found for developing self-awareness and self-care mental and emotional support.

Meditation is the stilling of the thought waves of the mind!

– Patanjali, a great Indian sage and philosopher from the 5th century

  • 76% of the people who meditate state that their primary reason for learning is general health and well being
  • Statistics show us that 60% of meditators increased their feelings of well being
  • 50% experienced improvement in their memory
  • And the ability to focus was improved by 60% and anxiety levels were lowered by 60%
  • Plus, it helps reduce high blood pressure
  • And assisted in relieving the discomfort caused by irritable bowel syndrome

Research into the Positive Effects of Meditation on the Brain

In a particular study it showed brain images from  50% of adults who meditate and 50% of adults who do not meditate : 

  • Results showed that the regular meditators over time had developed more folds in the outer layer of their brains, a process called gyrification.
  • It increases your brain’s ability to process information.
  • Plus in 2013 a study was done which suggests that meditation may actually stall and or reverse changes that take place in the brain due to normal ageing!

First a story about how I came to learn meditation 50 years ago and how I became a meditation teacher:

I started first in Hong Kong by learning hatha yoga (yoga exercise postures) and as I practiced this regularly I began to have some spontaneous and interesting experiences of meditation.

 Then I moved to New York City to pursue my career in fashion and beauty and  I was also recovering from a terrible marriage and divorce..

I started with TM meditation and meditated regularly twice daily for 9 months but something seemed to be missing, then a friend introduced me to a living Indian meditation teacher.

This Teacher Munishri Chitrabhanu was a Jain teacher, and I began to practice daily under his instruction and began to have very profound experiences. That was 50 years ago 

As I moved countries and then spent time years later in India in the 1980’s I was privileged to study with globally recognised  Indian meditation teachers such as Baba Muktananda (I met him briefly before he passed away in 1982) and his successor Gurumayi Chidvilasanda, with whom  I predominantly studied over 25 years.

In addition I spent 12 years studying Buddhist meditation with his Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist leading teachers such as His Holiness Sakya Trinzin and several leading Rinpoches, such as Ayang Rinpoche. 

Additional meditation studies were conducted such as Silva Mind Control and Stress Management meditation over the years.  I took 37 meditation trainings from one highly regarded teacher and with their permission I became a meditation teacher gifted with the ability to awaken the meditation energy that lives within all of us. 

I lived part time and worked in India during a 5 year period in addition to focusing on my non-profit private work there with street children.

6-month meditation course*

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12 month meditation course*

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Expression of Interest - Meditation and Mindfulness
* Pricing options
3-part payment plans available; please email us for details.
Safety and Side Effects
Meditation is safe for anyone who is not suffering from a serious diagnosed mental health condition.

Meditation should not be used as a replacement nor as a substitute for conventional medical care or for consulting a mental health care practitioner such as a psychologist or a psychiatrist.